Outflows from Health Insurance and Subsequent Careers of Asylum Seekers
Of the 81,486 persons, who were registered as Asylum seeker and refugees with the Austrian Social Security System for the first time in 2015, 60,411 (74.1 percent) remained to be registered als asylum seekers or refugees at the end of 2015. 19,048 (23.4 percent) of these individuals, by contrast, did not have a single entry in the Austrian Social Security System in the first three months of 2016. They can thus be expected to have left the social security system. Only 2,027 of these asylum seekers had moved to a different social security status, among these there were 1,575 persons aged 15 to 64, who were registered for a full three months after ending their registration as an Asylum seeker. In a three month period after terminating their social security status as asylum seekers these active aged persons were employed for 5.7 days, unemployed for 55.7 days and out of the labour force for 30.5 days. 43.4 percent of them received some training that in average lasted for 23.6 days.