Auf dem Weg zu einer Bewertung des wirtschaftlichen Nutzens von Schutzwäldern
The protective function of forests is facing increasing threats. At the same time, demand for the services provided by them increased. We present preliminary results of the ongoing interdisciplinary research project to assess the economic benefits of protective forests. Within this project, so-called potentially protected areas were modelled by the Austrian Research Centre for Forests. Forests with a (direct) object-protective function are based on the map of "Protective forest cover in Austria". The occurrence probability of potential hazards such as rockfalls, landslides, and avalanches was estimated, as well. These maps facilitate the identification of potentially protected economic assets such as infrastructure, houses, and workplaces. This information enables us to make an assessment of the economic benefits protective forests provide. In follow-up analyses, this will enable us to design cost-effective measures to maintain protective services of forests in Austria.