Wissensdefizite und Herausforderungen für Klimamaßnahmen in der österreichischen Landwirtschaft
The Austrian agricultural sector is stipulated with the European Union's target for climate neutrality by 2050. Furthermore, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is currently under reform. Hence, we explore the prevalent knowledge deficits and challenges for national policymakers, farmers and scientists. We draw from the outputs of an online survey and a successive workshop with experts involved in national climate and agricultural policy-making. The aim was to identify and prioritise Key Policy Questions (KPQs) associated with policy measures and targets for climate action in Austrian agriculture. Research findings illustrate the challenges for increasing acceptance and knowledge transfer among the different societal spheres. Overall, the KPQ with respect to the effectiveness of the current CAP strategic plan and whether the therein proposed measures suffice to attain the targets is seen most pressing for the experts. Secondly, experts also highlighted the KPQ with respect to certification and monitoring in context of the European Commission's plan to combine the forestry and agriculture sectors for greenhouse gas emissions accounting. The derived KPQs mirror well the currently ongoing policy processes and debates.