Business Location Styria 2015+

  • Matthias Firgo
  • Oliver Fritz
  • Peter Mayerhofer (WIFO)
  • Michael Kernitzkyi
  • Eric Kirschner
  • Judith Köberl
  • Veronika Kulmer
  • Andreas Niederl
  • Franz Prettenthaler
  • Claudia Winkler (Joanneum Research, Policies)
  • Johannes Absenger
  • Simone Harder
  • Robert Steinegger
  • Ewald Verhounig (WKO Steiermark, IWS)

Based on an in-depth empirical analysis of the Styrian economy and its competitiveness in a national and international context, the project identifies region-specific strengths and weaknesses. This assessment, which takes account of the fact that Styria is mainly competing with comparable highly industrialised regions within and outside Austria, is used to derive strategic recommendations for regional policy makers.