Energy Perspectives for Austria. Part 2: Target Compatible Structures and Strategies to 2030
In this project target compatible structures for the Austrian energy system for the time horizon 2020 and 2030 were developed, identifying technological potentials along the entire energy chain. This method allows conclusions on the potential for energy efficiency improvement and raising the share of renewable energy. It also informs on the resulting greenhouse gas emissions. Part 1 covers the time period until 2020 and describes two scenarios, that differ in the diffusion rate of technology options. Scenario A results in a final energy consumption of 1,050 PJ and a 35 percent share of renewable energy, while Scenario B shows a total final energy consumption of 1,100 PJ and a 34 percent share of renewables. Part 2 of the project report expands the horizon to 2030 and depicts structures that are consistent with long-term emission reduction targets up to 2050. Such a development path results for Scenario A in a final energy consumption of 905 PJ and a 61 percent share of renewables.