A Tourism Satellite Account for Upper Austria. Economic Links, Methods and Key Results for 2008
Tourism is a big factor in the economy of Upper Austria: According to the regional tourism satellite account computed for Upper Austria by Statistics Austria and WIFO, total spending on holiday and business trips, visits to relatives and friends and stays at weekend and second homes amounted to € 3.18 billion in 2008, a plus of 7.7 percent. Of this sum, 74.4 percent were spent by domestic travellers, 25.2 percent by foreigners and 0.4 percent by domestic travellers for stays in weekend and second homes. Tourism directly added € 1.50 billion (+6.3 percent) to output in Upper Austria, which in mathematical terms corresponds to 3.2 percent of the gross regional product. Based on the input-output table for 2005, the value directly and indirectly added by tourism to the Upper Austrian economy was 6.3 percent in 2008.