Implementation of a Programme of Mutual Learning and Exchanges of Good Practices on Gender Equality

Austria implemented a gender budgeting framework in 2009 on a strong legal and institutional basis. After over a decade of applying gender budgeting at the federal level, it is widely recognised that the Austrian design and implementation of gender budgeting in principle bears significant potential to advance gender equality. However, existing assessments also identify several challenges and needs for reform so that the full benefits of gender budgeting can be reaped. Among others, relevant transferable elements of the best practice examples include the Swedish national gender equality strategy and the Irish national equality data strategy. In recent years, progress can be observed regarding the implementation of gender budgeting at EU level. However, further steps are required, as the integration of gender aspects in plans to reinforce the focus of the EU budget on results or the application of the "Do No Significant Harm" principle in tracking and evaluating gender-relevant expenditure.