Robust Food Supply Chains in Austria
Food security and food sovereignty are the subject of intense debate in Europe. As the topic is very wide-ranging, a number of subject areas were identified in the course of preparing the ROBVEK (Robust Supply Chains) research project that require more in-depth consideration. An important element of robust supply chains is knowledge about the interaction and coordination of the actors involved. This requires transparency about the existing structure and the market situation. Prices are essential for the coordination of market players. As part of the project, a price portal was developed that presents the current market situation, particularly for farmers, and thus contributes to improving transparency. In addition, it was analysed how the expected prices at the time of harvest for important crops can be determined from the current prices on the futures exchanges. Extensive material is available on the current and past development of consumer prices. However, forecasts of expected food prices have not yet been made in Austria. A methodology has been developed for this purpose and a database set up to facilitate updates. Detailed volume flow balances and diagrams were created for the markets for grain products and pork in Austria. The dependence on international supply chains was also analysed. An interactive visualisation portal was developed for this purpose. The results of the individual work packages were documented in reports and made available to a wider public in policy briefs.