WIFO Director Christoph Badelt Chairs Advisory Board of the Ecosocial Forum
The Scientific Advisory Board's initial task is to draw up a position paper by the end of 2019 that will guide the Forum's medium-term work. This new position paper is to take particular account of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Afterwards, the Scientific Advisory Board is to make recommendations in an annual meeting regarding the main topics the Ecosocial Forum should focus on in the following working year and which (new) scientific findings should be communicated to the public and politicians through the work of the Ecosocial Forum.
On 14 February, the constituent meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board took place at WIFO. In addition to Christoph Badelt, the following personalities are members of the Advisory Board: Bettina Fuhrmann (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration), Jochen Kantelhardt (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences), Angela Köppl (environmental economist at WIFO), Beate Littig (Institute for Advanced Studies), sustainability researcher Fred Luks, Nebojsa Nakicenovic (IIASA), Christiane Spiel (University of Vienna), Michael Staudinger (ZAMG).
On the history of the Ecosocial Forum: The Austrian Society for Agriculture and Forestry Policy was founded in 1968. In 1992 it was renamed the Ökosoziales Forum (Ecosocial Forum) and its tasks were extended to include economic policy issues. The Ecosocial Forum is active at both national and European level.
Link: www.oekosozial.at