Tourism Analysis May to July 2020
A look at the regional performance revealed vast differences: while Vienna's tourism industry, which strongly relies on international visitors and markets outside Europe, was hit hardest (–86.0 percent of tourism receipts between May and July 2020), regions like Carinthia (–24.6 percent) or Styria (–29.8 percent) performed much better.
Since infection rates in Austria and elsewhere are rising again, the outlook for the coming months remains bleak. For the year 2020 as a whole, we estimate a decline in overnight stays by 30 percent with a lower reduction in domestic overnight stays (–15 percent) than in international ones (–33 percent). Uncertainty about the tourism industry's development in the upcoming fall and winter seasons remains very high, though: if infection rates continue to rise, both, a further tightening of legal restrictions on the supply side (hotels, restaurants, transport) and a sharper drop of demand seems possible.