
The Fight for a Better Europe

Lecture by Fritz Breuss at the University of Tübingen
On 22 and 23 May 2019, a prestigious international conference was held at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (jointly organised with the Institute for Applied Economic Research – IAW) in honour of Professor Wilhelm Kohlers 65th birthday. At the end of the event, WIFO expert Fritz Breuss spoke about the fight for a better Europe.

At the conference, entitled "Conference on International Economic Integration: Firms, Workers, and Policies", leading international researchers in the field of international economics – many of them former students of Kohler – presented their latest research papers.

In his lecture "The Fight for a Better Europe", Fritz Breuss showed how Kohler – in a friendly competition with Breuss – has conducted various studies on the effects of Austria's membership in the EU. Despite different methodological approaches, the two researchers arrived at similar (positive) results from Austria's EU accession in 1995, the introduction of the euro and the major EU enlargement in 2004.

The conference programme: http://www.iaw.edu/index.php/veranstaltungen-detail/93