Markus Kiesenhofer Takes Over Public Relations at WIFO
In his last position as Head of Press and Public Relations at VÖZ All Media Service GmbH, Kiesenhofer represented the Association of Austrian Newspapers (VÖZ), the Austrian Association of Magazines and Specialist Media (ÖZV) and the Association of Newspapers in Schools (ZiS) since 2016. Previously, he acted as press spokesman within the Kultur.Region.Niederösterreich, among other things as communication interface to the Lower Austrian provincial government. In 2017 and 2018, he also proved his expertise in the Austrian media landscape as co-author of the standard reference "Medienhandbuch Österreich" (Media Handbook Austria), which is published annually by Czernin Verlag. Kiesenhofer studied journalism and media management at the FH Vienna as well as political science at the University of Vienna and the Charles University in Prague.