
Market Entry in Developing Countries

Klaus Friesenbichler presents WIFO study on soft loans at corporAID conference.
WIFO development economist Klaus Friesenbichler discussed with representatives of companies and international financial institutions the business environment in which Austrian companies are confronted in their efforts to enter markets in developing countries.

The corporAID conference 2018 on "Urban Development Markets" took place on 6 November. During a breakout session, WIFO industrial and development economist Klaus Friesenbichler discussed the business environment in developing countries with Austrian and international experts and entrepreneurs.

The debate focused on market development. It included strengths and weaknesses of Austrian industrial enterprises with regard to competitiveness as well as financing conditions on international markets. The discussion also included the results of a recent WIFO study on soft loans carried out on behalf of Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG by a research team coordinated by Yvonne Wolfmayr and including Elisabeth Christen, Klaus Friesenbichler, Gerhard Streicher and Thomas Url.

Further information can be found on the conference website.