Intereconomics: Special FairTax Issue
"FairTax" intends to help improve economic stability while promoting economic, social and environmental sustainability. The journal Intereconomics includes eight articles about the project, covering issues as the introduction of a common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) in the EU, gender aspects of taxation, cooperative compliance, the future of pension systems, sustainability in tax systems, and tax-based own resources for the EU budget.
Here are the articles: https://archive.intereconomics.eu/year/2019/3/fair-and-sustainable-taxation-in-the-eu/
Please visit the website www.fair-tax.eu for more information on FairTax and the outputs produced by the FairTax team.
In addition, a book chapter on the implications of Brexit for the EU budget based on FairTax results by Margit Schratzenstaller has just been published in a volume edited by Luca Zamparini and Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli titled "Features and Challenges of the EU Budget".
See here for more details: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/features-and-challenges-of-the-eu-budget