Dynamics of Professional Education
The labour market is facing major challenges today the world of work is changing rapidly, not least due to increasing digitalisation. As Helmut Mahringer pointed out in his lecture, the lack of professional training is increasingly becoming a massive risk factor: Workers without training face growing competition for jobs in a shrinking field of employment. They often work in unstable and poorly paid employment situations and bear a high risk of unemployment. Many educational opportunities reach people without vocational training poorly and low levels of education are often passed on from generation to generation. Particularly in Vienna, the particularly pronounced change in the economic structure and population growth represent additional challenges and opportunities at the same time, said Mahringer during the waff education talks.
For almost 10 years now, the Vienna Training Guarantee has been supporting young people from the start of professional training to a successful completion of their studies. In order to be able to support young people well and comprehensively in their future career entry, it is crucial to look at these future challenges together with experts. This means analysing them in detail and, building on this, examining the existing offers and adapting them if necessary. This is the aim of the waff educational talks with their dialogue between science and practice.