
Dialogue on Effective Energy and Climate Strategies

Lecture by WIFO Economist Angela Köppl in Retz
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the EU Eastern Enlargement, participants from twelve nations met for the "Dialog.Format.Niederösterreich" of the Club Alpbach NÖ in Retz. Under the general theme "How will we interact tomorrow?", innovative ideas for the future of Europe were discussed. WIFO economist Angela Köppl spoke about how the effectiveness of European energy and climate strategies could be increased.

According to Köppl, instead of an exclusive discussion about possible options for energy supply, there should be a holistic and broad view of the entire energy system. This would open up a wide range of options for increasing energy productivity and saving greenhouse gas emissions. In order to realise these transformation potentials, it is necessary to consider synergies and trade-offs between policy areas and policy instruments. This means, for example, that a CO2 tax should be embedded in a broader mix of instruments.

The participants in the Energy and Climate Strategy workshop then developed the idea of a "Green Club", a community initiative for a CO2-neutral lifestyle, which was discussed with experts at IDEAS.GALA in the evening.

For further informationen: https://www.club-alpbach.at/dfnoe2019/