Competitiveness of the Austrian Export Industry
WIFO Research Seminar on Economic Policy Options in the COVID-19 Crisis
In a WIFO Research Seminar on 22 October 2020, WIFO economist Andreas Reinstaller presented a long-term analysis of Austrian goods exports since 2000. The commentary was contributed by WIFO Emeritus Consultant Gunther Tichy.
After a strongly expansive phase between 2000 and 2008, Austria's export economy has lost market share and unique selling propositions in world trade since the financial and economic crisis of 2008-09. The intensity of competition has increased, and Austrian exporters are increasingly focusing on the export of goods for which they have high specialisation advantages. Based on this observation, Reinstaller discussed challenges for foreign trade policy and identified economic policy starting points in the context of foreign trade strategy and the COVID-19 crisis.
Please find the slides of Andreas Reinstaller's presentation here.
The commentary slides of Gunter Tichy can be found here.
Finalization: May 2020
Contractor project: Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
WIFO Research Briefs
Finalization: September 2020
Contractor project: Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
Specialist publication: WIFO Research Briefs