Call for Papers: 15th FIW-Research Conference
The complete "Call for Papers" is available here.
The main objective of the conference is to provide a platform for economists working in the field of ‘International Economics’ to present recent research papers in the field of "International Economics". Contributions from PhD students, young faculty members and young researchers in similar positions are especially welcome.
Two prizes will be awarded for the best contributions to the research conference - the 'Best Conference Paper Award 23' and the 'Young Economist Award 23'. Both prizes are endowed with €1,000 each.
Likewise, FIW's research conferences serve as a discussion platform between researchers and policymakers to work together on making empirical findings fruitful for practical economic policy decision-making. The presentations are free of charge and open to the public.
FIW cordially invites all interested researchers to submit their current working papers on any topic in the field of international economics by October 21, 2022 at conference2023.fiw.ac.at.
Ebenso dienen die Forschungskonferenzen des FIW als Diskussionsplattform zwischen Forschung und Politik, um gemeinsam daran zu arbeiten, empirische Erkenntnisse für die praktische wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidungsfindung zu entwickeln. Die Vorträge sind kostenfrei und öffentlich.
Das FIW lädt alle Interessentinnen und Interessenten herzlich dazu ein, ihre aktuellen "Working Papers" zu allen Themen aus dem Bereich der internationalen Wirtschaft bis zum 21. Oktober 2022 auf conference2023.fiw.ac.at einzureichen.
The 15th FIW-Research Conference ‘International Economics is organized by FIW with support from the Program Committee and the Austrian Federal Ministries for Education Science and (BMBFW) and Labour and Economy (BMAW).
The FIW - Research Centre International Economics is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by BMBFW and BMAW.
Program Commitee:
- Harald Oberhofer (FIW, WU Vienna, WIFO)
- Julia Bachtrögler-Unger (WIFO)
- Marta Bisztray (KTRK, Budapest)
- Alejandro Cunat (University Vienna)
- Peter Egger (ETH Zürich)
- Katharina Erhardt (HHU Düsseldorf)
- Lisandra Flach (LMU Munich)
- Richard Frensch (IOS Regensburg)
- Michael Irlacher (JKU Linz)
- Inga Heiland (IfW Kiel)
- Mario Holzner (wiiw)
- Mario Larch (University Bayreuth)
- Dalia Marin (TU Munich)
- Karin Mayr-Dorn (JKU Linz)
- Birgit Meyer (WIFO)
- Katrin Rabitsch (WU Vienna)
- Michael Pfaffermayr (University Innsbruck, WIFO)
- Robert Stehrer (wiiw)
- Joschka Wanner (University Potsdam)