
Air Pollution Control in Agriculture

WIFO Economist Franz Sinabell Outlines Scenario until 2030
On 7 May, a workshop on the Austrian Clean Air Programme took place at the premises of Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH. Experts of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism and the Federal Environment Agency presented the results of the current inventories of air pollutants. WIFO economist Franz Sinabell presented a scenario on the development of agriculture up to the year 2030.

The underlying study was written together with Martin Schönhart and Erwin Schmid, who work at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. The scenario examined whether the measures already implemented and planned were sufficient to achieve the targets of the air pollution control policy. The global market outlook and changed production conditions were taken into account.

The results show that in this scenario an expansion of milk production and a slight increase in the number of cows is expected, while in other branches production will decrease slightly. Calculations based on these results by the Federal Environment Agency show that further steps are necessary to achieve the desired reduction in ammonia emission.

Current results of the air pollutant inventory are available at: http://www.umweltbundesamt.at/umweltsituation/luft/luftschadstoffe/.


Finalization: December 2018
Contractor project: Environment Agency Austria
JEL-Codes: Q11