"A Guide for the Generation Climate Change"
This new policy paper describes what the guiding principles of an Ecosocial Market Economy mean for the challenges of our time. It deals with those fundamental questions and decisions that are of great importance for the quality of life and sustainability of our society. The topics discussed in detail are internationality, growth, demography, work, distribution, resources, energy, space, food and agriculture, science, education, digitalisation and governance.
It discusses the economic, social and environmental fields of action that will shape the life chances of the climate change generation. It becomes clear how highly and currently relevant the model of an Ecosocial Market Economy is for a necessary social transformation towards sustainability.
The new policy paper of the Ecosocial Forum can be found here.
Anniversary Celebration
At the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Ecosocial Forum on 13 November 2019, Stephan Pernkopf, President of the Ecosocial Forum, encouraged the future federal government: "Josef Riegler's Ecosocial Market Economy was an outburst of courage, which marks its 30th anniversary this year. I wish us many more outbursts of courage in the daily implementation. No one has as good a basis for this as we do in Austria".
"The market must set the right signals", explained WIFO Director Christoph Badelt. "However, the current prices do not reflect our current problems", Badelt continued. "There will be no way around correct pricing of emissions. As long as carbon emissions cost either nothing or as little as is the case now, the market economy cannot fulfill its functions", Badelt explained.
Further information about the event can be found here.