Beef Trade and the Mercosur Free Trade Agreement
WIFO Research Seminar
Organised by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Language: English
WIFO, Helene-Lieser-Saal or online via MS Teams
The impact of additional beef imports from Mercosur countries as a result of the EU-Mercosur Partnership Agreement is likely to be very marginal.
Matthews' analysis shows that the additional imports induced by the new TRQs for fresh/chilled and frozen beef will be significantly smaller than the headline TRQ figures might suggest. This is due to the high levels of existing over-quota imports, particularly for fresh/chilled beef, and the fact that much of the new TRQ allocation will simply replace current out-of-quota imports. For frozen beef, the low level of existing over-quota imports means that the additional TRQ allocation will likely result in a larger increase in imports. Nonetheless, the aggregate increase in imports relative to total EU beef production remains modest. As a result, the impact on beef producer prices in the EU will also be very limited.