The global economy is facing epochal changes. Keywords such as deglobalisation, decarbonisation and digitalisation are on everyone's mind. The question arises as to whether competition and competition policy must take these developments into account and, if so, how? Should we (or the EU) also favour certain companies, as China is accused of doing? Or should we rather trust competitive forces to create efficient, i.e., competitive, industries? Is "traditional" competition law sufficient to tackle problems such as increased market concentration, the winner-takes-it-all phenomenon and a lack of competitiveness, or are new approaches needed? Should "fairness" also play a role in competition law or would this only mean a gateway for lobbying and inefficiency? The event "Competition, fairness and change" will attempt to provide answers to these questions.
Please register until 6.11.2024 at
Competition, Fairness and Change
Event organised by WIFO, FCA and WU Vienna
Organised by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Federal Competition Authority (FCA), Vienna University of Economics and Business
Language: German and English
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Building LC, Festsaal 1
You can find the programme here: