97th Euroconstruct Conference: Total Construction Outlook Towards 2026 – All EC-19 Markets. A Prosperous – but Challenging Future Ahead
Main event: 97th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Forecasts to 2026:
Organised by: Prognoscentret AB
Michael Weingärtler
Language: Englisch
IVA Konferenscenter
Total construction output in the Euroconstruct area fell by more than 1 percent in 2023. The negative trend is forecasted to continue in 2024 with a year-on-year decline of close to 3 percent. New residential construction is the hardest hit sector, with 15 out of 19 Euroconstruct countries recording significant losses. A turnaround is not expected before 2025. Dampening factors include the change in monetary policy and the resulting further rise in interest rates, as well as high national budget deficits. Both are seen by the Euroconstruct members as a clear obstacle to European construction activity. The limited financial room for manoeuvre of central governments and regional and local authorities may also have a negative impact on possible tax relief or financial injections, the provision of support programmes or direct demand for construction from the public sector.