7. Sozialstaatsenquete: Wie verändert die Finanzkrise die Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit in Österreich und Europa?
Main event: 7. Sozialstaatsenquete: Wie verändert die Finanzkrise die Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit in Österreich und Europa?
Organised by: Federation of Austrian Social Security Institutions, Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Language: Englisch
In the direct aftermath of the crisis, welfare state structures helped mitigate the consequences for the populations of Europe. Production and job losses in the real economy caused by the financial crash, combined with an increase in unemployment, have a medium- to long-term effect on social security in Europe. The direct and indirect effects of the financial crisis on the social welfare of Europeans are the subject of the 7th Welfare State Roundtable organised by WIFO together with the Federation of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions.