Empirica – Journal of European Economics

Sponsored by the Austrian Economic Association and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research

Empirica publishes empirical and theoretical work on all economic aspects of European Integration. The topics may range from all challenges concerning the deepening of the European Union (Single Market, Lisbon Agenda, EMU) to enlargement and the external relations of the EU (globalisation).

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Abdulnasser Hatemi-J, Rangan Gupta, Axel Kasongo, Thabo Mboweni
Does tourism cause growth asymmetrically in a panel of G-7 countries? A short note
Empirica, 2018, 45(1), pp.49-57, http://www.springer.com/10663
We analyse whether tourism (measured by real tourism receipts) causes growth in an asymmetric fashion in a panel of G-7 countries over the period of 1995-2014. Our results reveal that the tourism-led growth hypothesis holds for France, Germany, and the USA, with negative tourism shocks being more important for Germany, Italy, Japan, while positive shocks are more important in the UK and the USA. Our results imply that policy makers in Germany, Italy and Japan should be more concerned when tourism receipts decline.
JEL-Codes:C32 E43 L83
Keywords:Economic growth, Tourism receipts, Asymmetric panel causality test
Research group:Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

Managing Editor

Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Harald Oberhofer

Function: Senior Economist, Editor-in-Chief Empirica
Research groups: Industrial, Innovation and International Economics