Empirica – Journal of European Economics

Sponsored by the Austrian Economic Association and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research

Empirica publishes empirical and theoretical work on all economic aspects of European Integration. The topics may range from all challenges concerning the deepening of the European Union (Single Market, Lisbon Agenda, EMU) to enlargement and the external relations of the EU (globalisation).

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Anders Gustafsson, Andreas Stephan, Alice Hallman, Nils Karlsson
The "sugar rush" from innovation subsidies: a robust political economy perspective
in: Special Issue: Challenges for Europe 2050 – Selected Papers of the EUROFRAME Conference 2015 and the WWWforEurope Project
Empirica, 2016, 43(4), S.729-756, http://www.springer.com/10663
The governments of most advanced countries offer some type of financial subsidy to encourage firm innovation and productivity. This paper analyses the effects of innovation subsidies using a unique Swedish database that contains firm level data for the period 1997-2011, specifically information on firm subsidies over a broad range of programmes. Applying causal treatment effect analysis based on matching and a diff-in-diff approach combined with a qualitative case study of Swedish innovation subsidy programmes, we test whether such subsidies have positive effects on firm performance. Our results indicate a lack of positive performance effects in the long run for the majority of firms, albeit there are positive short-run effects on human capital investments and also positive short-term productivity effects for the smallest firms. These findings are interpreted from a robust political economy perspective that reveals that the problems of acquiring correct information and designing appropriate incentives are so complex that the absence of significant positive long-run effects on firm performance for the majority of firms is not surprising.
Keywords:Innovation subsidies Market failures Causal treatment effect evaluation Firm performance CEM Robust political economy
Forschungsbereich:Industrie-, Innovations- und internationale Ökonomie

Managing Editor

Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Harald Oberhofer

Funktion: Ökonom (Senior Economist), Editor-in-Chief Empirica
Forschungsgruppe: Industrie-, Innovations- und internationale Ökonomie