
Zoltan Csismadia (Coord.), Gabriella Barath, Nora Baranyai (WHRI), Karol Frank, Tomas Jeck (EU SAV), Philipp Hergovich, Peter Huber (WIFO), Luděk Kouba, Petr Rozmahel (MENDELU)
CENTROPE Regional Development Report. Focus and Stock Taking Report on Technology Policy, Research, Development and Innovation in CENTROPE. Executive Summary
Reports (completed projects), January 2012
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
This report analyses the institutional setting of the innovation systems in CENTROPE. It finds a large heterogeneity in terms of institutions, which tends to impede on possibilities in cross-border co-operation. In particular national innovation systems differ with respect to centralisation of technology policy, as well as with respect to strategies developed and objectives followed. In addition lacking continuity of policies and institutions in some countries represent a further problem impeding on cross-border co-operation in this field.
Research group:Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

Related issues

Workshops, conferences and other events, 04.09.2012
Organised by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Studies, January 2012, 93 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: Federal Chamber of Labour
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
This report analyses the innovation systems in CENTROPE. It finds a large heterogeneity both in terms of institutions and technological capacities among the regions of CENTROPE. Also co-operation in patenting seems to be limited to co-operation among the EU 10-regions in this region. The nuclei for the development of a cross-border innovation system may be the large number of universities in the region, the many regional clusters existing in CENTROPE or initiatives directed at increasing cross-border patenting co-operation.
Zoltan Csismadia (Coord.), Gabriella Barath, Nora Baranyai (WHRI), Karol Frank, Tomas Jeck (IER SAVBA), Peter Huber, Ludek Kouba, Petr Rozmahel (WIFO)
Studies, January 2012, 97 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: Federal Chamber of Labour
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
This report analyses the institutional setting of the innovation systems in CENTROPE. It finds a large heterogeneity in terms of institutions, which tends to impede on possibilities in cross-border co-operation. In particular national innovation systems differ with respect to centralisation of technology policy, as well as with respect to strategies developed and objectives followed. In addition lacking continuity of policies and institutions in some countries represent a further problem impeding on cross-border co-operation in this field.
Studies, May 2011, 27 pages
Commissioned by: Federal Chamber of Labour
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Consistent with previous results, we find that CENTROPE has grown faster than could be expected from an average polycentric cross-border region in the period 2004-2008. Furthermore – also consistent with previous results – CENTROPE also in comparison to other polycentric cross-border regions is a region which is highly attractive to FDI and whose comparative advantage primarily seems to be rooted in medium skills while the share of high skilled in the population is low in CENTROPE also relative to other polycentric cross-border regions. Although regional disparities in terms of per-capita GDP are high in CENTROPE, CENTROPE is not the polycentric cross-border region with the largest internal disparities, and relative to this comparison group (and in contrast to a comparison with the EU average) the share of R&D expenditure in GDP has increased more than average in the last decade.
Studies, May 2011, 38 pages
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
This report describes the data used in the CENTROPE Regional Development Report project and discusses data availability issues.
Petr Rozmahel, Ludek Kouba (WIFO), Karol Frank (IER SAVBA), Peter Huber (WIFO), Mihaly Lados (WHRI), Roman Römisch (wiiw)
Studies, March 2011, 20 pages
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Commissioned by: Federal Chamber of Labour
The economic crisis had a deep impact on the CENTROPE Region. In average the CENTROPE countries were harder hit than the EU 27. Moreover the relative growth performance of regions within CENTROPE shifted. While before 2008 the new EU countries among the CENTROPE countries experienced (with the exception of Hungary) higher growth rates than Austria, in the crises year 2009 the opposite applied. This more than average affectedness of the CENTROPE countries does, however, not apply to the CENTROPE regions. According to existing regional forecasts the GVA decline of the CENTROPE region as an aggregate was still lower than that of the EU 27 and for 2010 as well as the years after this a return to above average growth performance is expected. Recovery has been more rapid than expected. Already in 2010 all CENTROPE countries but Hungary will resume GDP growth and once more economy in the new EU countries will grow faster than in Austria. On a regional level, by contrast, it is expected that all CENTROPE regions but Vas and South Moravia will return to economic growth in 2010. From a long-term perspective the increase in unemployment rates due to the crises seems to be more of a problem, since in the past unemployment rates have proven to be rather persistent in the CENTROPE and have fallen only in times of very rapid growth.
Studies, October 2012, 20 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
This report surveys the forecasting quality of the Cambridge Econometrics forecasts used in the CENTROPE Regional Development Report project and derives first estimates of total factor productivity for the CENTROPE regions. While forecasts from Cambridge Econometrics for the CENTROPE aggregate seem to be informative of future growth developments, forecasts for individual regions and sectors must be interpreted with much greater care in all cases except for those of the Austrian CENTROPE and service sector development. Furthermore the report confirms the large productivity differences among CENTROPE regions. These differences are, however, smaller when accounting for total factor productivity than when considering labour productivity. In addition the economic recession of 2009 led to a decline in productivity growth across the CENTROPE regions. In this recession the service sector seems to have played a stabilising role. This highlights the importance of the service sector during economic declines.
Karol Frank (EU SAV), Peter Huber (WIFO), Tomas Jeck, Martin Labaj, Ivana Sikulová (EU SAV), Irén Kukorelli (WHRI), Petr Rozmahel (MENDELU)
Studies, October 2012, 18 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – West Hungarian Research Institute of the Centre for Regional Studies – Mendel University in Brno
This report deals with the structure of the service sector in CENTROPE and compares the supply and demand side of tourism industry and its structure. This part also pays attention to issues of cooperation in tourism within CENTROPE. We find that there are obvious disparities in the development of knowledge intensive services between the urban agglomeration of CENTROPE and its more rural regions. This suggests rather different preconditions for co-operation in this field among regions. Tourism by contrast is an important sector in all regions and provides many possibilities for cross-border co-operation, which are exemplified in the policy conclusions.
Karol Frank (EU SAV), Peter Huber (WIFO), Tomas Jeck, Martin Labaj, Ivana Sikulová (EU SAV), Irén Kukorelli (WHRI), Petr Rozmahel (MENDELU)
Studies, October 2012, 134 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – West Hungarian Research Institute of the Centre for Regional Studies – Mendel University in Brno
This report deals with the structure of the service sector in CENTROPE and compares the supply and demand side of tourism industry and its structure. This part also pays attention to issues of cooperation in tourism within CENTROPE. We find that there are obvious disparities in the development of knowledge intensive services between the urban agglomeration of CENTROPE and its more rural regions. This suggests rather different preconditions for co-operation in this field among regions. Tourism by contrast is an important sector in all regions and provides many possibilities for cross-border co-operation, which are exemplified in the policy conclusions.
Peter Huber (WIFO), Karol Frank (EU SAV), Mihaly Lados (WHRI), Roman Römisch (wiiw), Petr Rozmahel (MENDELU)
Studies, October 2012, 18 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – West Hungarian Research Institute of the Centre for Regional Studies – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies – Mendel University in Brno
This report summarises the results of the CENTROPE regional development report project as well as the related literature on regional development in this cross-border region. In particular we propose that cross-border policy initiatives in CENTROPE should focus on fulfilling the following functions: 1. securing and providing information on the activities of and development in other regions, 2. co-ordinating spatial policies at the borders of administrative units, 3. pooling resources and developing own projects in various strands of economic policy to improve competitiveness, and 4. lobbying for common interests of the participating regions. Furthermore, the report also suggests that the focal areas of cross-border co-operation should be structured around 4 priorities: establishing and improving the institutional preconditions for cross-border policy making and cross-border spatial planning, developing CENTROPE into a deeply integrated knowledge region, integrating cross border labour markets, and securing international competitiveness of the CENTROPE region.
Peter Huber (WIFO), Karol Frank (EU SAV), Mihaly Lados (WHRI), Roman Römisch (wiiw), Petr Rozmahel (MENDELU)
Studies, October 2012, 97 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – West Hungarian Research Institute of the Centre for Regional Studies – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies – Mendel University in Brno
This report summarises the results of the CENTROPE regional development report project as well as the related literature on regional development in this cross-border region. In particular we propose that cross-border policy initiatives in CENTROPE should focus on fulfilling the following functions: 1. securing and providing information on the activities of and development in other regions, 2. co-ordinating spatial policies at the borders of administrative units, 3. pooling resources and developing own projects in various strands of economic policy to improve competitiveness, and 4. lobbying for common interests of the participating regions. Furthermore, the report also suggests that the focal areas of cross-border co-operation should be structured around 4 priorities: establishing and improving the institutional preconditions for cross-border policy making and cross-border spatial planning, developing CENTROPE into a deeply integrated knowledge region, integrating cross border labour markets, and securing international competitiveness of the CENTROPE region.
Petr Rozmahel, Luděk Kouba (WIFO), Nikola Najman, Marek Litzman (MENDELU), Márta Nárai (WHRI), Karol Frank (IER SAVBA), Peter Huber (WIFO)
Studies, June 2012, 19 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – Mendel University in Brno – West Hungarian Research Institute of the Centre for Regional Studies – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Commissioned by: Europaforum Wien
Despite the fact that all CENTROPE countries are members of the European Union, the labour market in the CENTROPE region is very heterogeneous. More than half of the CENTROPE labour force is located in Austrian regions, which are areas with significantly higher wages in comparison with regions in the three post-communist countries. Furthermore, there are substantial disparities between metropolitan areas of Vienna, Bratislava and Brno on the one hand and rural areas with relatively high share of agriculture on the other hand. These structural disparities are reflected in a dramatically varying rate of unemployment among the CENTROPE regions as well – from less than 4 percent in Lower Austria and Burgenland to 12 percent in the Trnava region. Concerning the quality of human capital the CENTROPE region disposes of a well developed education system. In particular there are a large number of institutions at the tertiary education level situated in the region. Here a survey on student mobility intentions shows high willingness of students to study abroad choosing Vienna as the most attractive place of study in CENTROPE.
Petr Rozmahel, Luděk Kouba (WIFO), Nikola Najman, Marek Litzman (MENDELU), Márta Nárai (WHRI), Karol Frank (IER SAVBA), Peter Huber (WIFO)
Studies, June 2012, 294 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – Mendel University in Brno – West Hungarian Research Institute of the Centre for Regional Studies – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Commissioned by: Europaforum Wien
Despite the fact that all CENTROPE countries are members of the European Union, the labour market in the CENTROPE region is very heterogeneous. More than half of the CENTROPE labour force is located in Austrian regions, which are areas with significantly higher wages in comparison with regions in the three post-communist countries. Furthermore, there are substantial disparities between metropolitan areas of Vienna, Bratislava and Brno on the one hand and rural areas with relatively high share of agriculture on the other hand. These structural disparities are reflected in a dramatically varying rate of unemployment among the CENTROPE regions as well – from less than 4 percent in Lower Austria and Burgenland to 12 percent in the Trnava region. Concerning the quality of human capital the CENTROPE region disposes of a well developed education system. In particular there are a large number of institutions at the tertiary education level situated in the region. Here a survey on student mobility intentions shows high willingness of students to study abroad choosing Vienna as the most attractive place of study in CENTROPE.
Studies, June 2012, 21 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Study by: Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – Austrian Institute of Economic Research – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Macroeconomic forecasts for Europe and the CENTROPE countries currently suggest that the recovery of the years 2010 and 2011 was only a short-lived interlude both in the CENTROPE countries as well as most other EU countries. The world-wide slowdown in growth will affect the CENTROPE countries and it can be expected that Europe and thus also the CENTROPE regions are currently entering a period of protracted slow growth. The long-run growth prospects of CENTROPE are, however, intact. GVA and in particular productivity growth in the CENTROPE was substantially higher than in other cross-border metropolitan regions and much of the improved growth performance in CENTROPE in the last years was due to a rapid improvement of regional competitiveness. According to an analysis of demographic developments demographic decline seems to be a smaller problem in the CENTROPE than in many other EU regions. Although this again reflects rather positively on CENTROPE in comparison to the EU, ageing of the population, however, is a serious challenge to the economies of CENTROPE, which will necessitate developing long-term and coherent strategies to maintain living standards and quality of life for citizens in all age groups.
Studies, June 2012, 128 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Study by: Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences – Austrian Institute of Economic Research – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Macroeconomic forecasts for Europe and the CENTROPE countries currently suggest that the recovery of the years 2010 and 2011 was only a short-lived interlude both in the CENTROPE countries as well as most other EU countries. The world-wide slowdown in growth will affect the CENTROPE countries and it can be expected that Europe and thus also the CENTROPE regions are currently entering a period of protracted slow growth. The long-run growth prospects of CENTROPE are, however, intact. GVA and in particular productivity growth in the CENTROPE was substantially higher than in other cross-border metropolitan regions and much of the improved growth performance in CENTROPE in the last years was due to a rapid improvement of regional competitiveness. According to an analysis of demographic developments demographic decline seems to be a smaller problem in the CENTROPE than in many other EU regions. Although this again reflects rather positively on CENTROPE in comparison to the EU, ageing of the population, however, is a serious challenge to the economies of CENTROPE, which will necessitate developing long-term and coherent strategies to maintain living standards and quality of life for citizens in all age groups.
Studies, April 2011, 176 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Integration with the EU or other areas like the Danube region is likely to benefit the CENTROPE regions in a differentiated way. This report will analyse the extent of spatial integration, the future potential for it, as well as strengths, weaknesses and likely points of conflicts in the integration process of the CENTROPE focusing on both integration among the regions of CENTROPE as well as on integration of the CENTROPE within the EU 27 and other areas (such as the Danube region). To this end the report will deal with the following issues: the general economic development in the CENTROPE regions, by type of regions; regional FDI in the CENTROPE and enterprise cooperation within the CENTROPE; regional trading patterns; labour mobility in the CENTROPE.
Petr Rozmahel, Luděk Kouba (WIFO), Karol Frank (IER SAVBA), Peter Huber (WIFO), Mihaly Lados (WHRI), Roman Römisch (wiiw)
Studies, March 2011, 24 pages
Projektkoordination: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Commissioned by: Federal Chamber of Labour
Petr Rozmahel, Luděk Kouba (WIFO), Karol Frank (IER SAVBA), Peter Huber (WIFO), Mihaly Lados (WHRI), Roman Römisch (wiiw)
Studies, March 2011, 183 pages
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Commissioned by: Federal Chamber of Labour
The economic crisis had a deep impact on the CENTROPE Region. In average the CENTROPE countries were harder hit than the EU 27. Moreover the relative growth performance of regions within CENTROPE shifted. While before 2008 the new EU countries among the CENTROPE countries experienced (with the exception of Hungary) higher growth rates than Austria, in the crises year 2009 the opposite applied. This more than average affectedness of the CENTROPE countries does, however, not apply to the CENTROPE regions. According to existing regional forecasts the GVA decline of the CENTROPE region as an aggregate was still lower than that of the EU 27 and for 2010 as well as the years after this a return to above average growth performance is expected. Recovery has been more rapid than expected. Already in 2010 all CENTROPE countries but Hungary will resume GDP growth and once more economy in the new EU countries will grow faster than in Austria. On a regional level, by contrast, it is expected that all CENTROPE regions but Vas and South Moravia will return to economic growth in 2010. From a long-term perspective the increase in unemployment rates due to the crises seems to be more of a problem, since in the past unemployment rates have proven to be rather persistent in the CENTROPE and have fallen only in times of very rapid growth.
Reports (completed projects), May 2011
Project co-ordinator: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
The report proposes a methodology to estimate regional foreign trade data from national trade and regional employment data supplemented by country level input-output data. The methodology allows estimating consistently regional exports and imports from the regions of a country A to a country B as well as the foreign trade flows across the regions of country A and country B. The estimation method is independent of the regional and sectoral aggregation levels of the data and can easily be implemented using common statistical programs.
Reports (completed projects), November 2010
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
The aim of the pilot action "CENTROPE regional development report" is to enhance the analytic basis for cross-border policy in the CENTROPE region and to provide policy advice in the form of three annual development reports and four focus reports. The annual regional development reports will provide a regular update of the economic development in CENTROPE. The focus reports will analyse individual fields relevant for cross-border activities in the region in depth. This report provided details the working structure, concept and methodology of the pilot action from a project management perspective. It defines the partnership of the project as well as the roles of each of the partners, outlines the workplan and defines the central instruments of project management with respect to internal communication, quality control and dissemination. In addition a series of appendices provide details on the contents of individual reports as well as on the human resources and data availability.
Roman Römisch (wiiw), Peter Huber, Klaus Nowotny (WIFO), Ulrike Strauss (wiiw)
CENTROPE Regional Development Report. Focus-Report "Räumliche Integration" – Kurzfassung (CENTROPE Regional Development Report. Focus Report on Spatial Integration – Summary)
Studies, June 2011, 25 pages
Projektkoordination: Peter Huber (WIFO)
Commissioned by: ARGE Centrope
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Von der Integration mit der EU oder mit anderen Wirtschaftsräumen wie der Donauregion profitieren die CENTROPE-Regionen in unterschiedlicher Form. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert das Ausmaß der räumlichen Integration, das künftige Potential sowie Stärken, Schwächen und mögliche Konfliktpunkte im Integrationsprozess der Region CENTROPE mit Schwerpunkt sowohl auf der Integration zwischen den CENTROPE-Teilregionen als auch auf der Integration der CENTROPE mit der EU 27 und anderen Regionen (z. B. Donauregion). Die Arbeit befasst sich mit den Themen gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung in den CENTROPE-Teilregionen, regionale Direktinvestitionen und Unternehmenskooperationen, regionale Handelsströme und Arbeitskräftemobilität.